Clyde Nursery and Children's Centre


Admissions Policy


At Clyde we believe that children should have access to high quality care and provision, and that these places should be allocated fairly.

Clyde Nursery School offers places to children aged between 2 and 4 years on either a part time or full time basis.  We are an integrated nursery school and children’s centre, and places are offered to different age groups using different criteria. 

Most of the places that we offer at Clyde are free. However, families can either pay to “top up” their child’s place or pay for a certain amount of days depending on the availability of places.

Two Year Olds

We currently have 32 funded places for two years whose families meet certain criteria as detailed by the local authority and central government. If your child is eligible for a funded place, you will need to check if your child is eligible using the Lewisham Portal. Once you have your proof of eligibility, you will need to bring this with you so that we can process your application.

If you are not sure how to do this please come into the Centre so that we can help you. You will need your National Insurance number.

 These places are for 15 hours per week, term time only and are free of charge. In some circumstances, families may wish to pay for additional hours. However, this would need to be discussed with your child’s class teacher or key person, to see if your child would be able to cope with longer hours or if there is availability for the days and times you’d like.

 Application forms can be obtained from Kim in the office or you can find it on our website  

Over Threes and Rising Threes

In making decisions about admissions when places become available, we follow the guidelines laid down by the London Borough of Lewisham for all schools (please see the Lewisham website for further details).  These places are for three year olds and rising threes (children who are within three months of their third birthday).

Criteria for admissions to the nursery school, in order of preference are as follows:

Children transferring internally, from two year funded places at Clyde. 

Children in public care (details supplied by an allocated social worker or foster carer).  A looked after child is a child who is in care to a local authority or who is provided with accommodation by that authority.

In exceptional circumstances there is discretion to admit children with an acute medical or social need, who would not otherwise qualify for admission.  The application would have to be supported by a letter from a hospital consultant, social worker or similar professional.

Children whose brother or sister is on the roll of the school on the closing date for applications, and who will still be attending the centre on the intended date of admission. Siblings must live at the same address.

Children for whom it is the nearest nursery school or class.

Nearness of the child’s home to the centre (proof of address will be required – council tax bill, child benefit letters, utility bills)

Our main intake is in September (for children whose birthday falls before August 31st) although we sometimes offer children places throughout the school year, depending on the availability of places.

Application Procedures

Application forms may be obtained from the Centre reception any day between 8 am and 4pm or by visiting our website (

There is one main point of entry in September although we may have places available at other points in the year.  In May and June we identify how many vacancies are available for 2, 3 and 4 year olds, and allocate places according to the above criteria. We will usually phone you to let you know that we have a place and to ask you to attend a short meeting at the school to complete some paperwork. We will also ask you to bring your child’s red book with you as well as something as proof of address.  At the beginning of the new term in September, each family will be visited at home by their new key person and another member of the class team.

During the first weeks of term priority is given to settling new children into the nursery.  All families are asked to settle their children over a period of four consecutive days, spending one hour per day with their child in the nursery.  By the fourth session, and if the children are settling well, parents/carers can spend time in the parent’s room whilst the child is with the key worker/team.  This settling in period may be extended if the child appears to be upset or unhappy or it is felt that they need longer to adjust to being at the nursery. This can be negotiated with the class team.